The problem is, I think, the organic juice base that all the products are made out of. Sometimes (well, a lot of the time), it just feels like you've put orange juice on your skin. And as you know, orange juice is kind of sticky and not exactly the sort of thing you want on your face (as opposed to in your face). I haven't had much luck with the Juice Organics moisturizers, as they have a bit too much of the orange juice-like thing going on. The Juice Beauty range suffers much less from this little flaw, and their moisturizers suit me much better.
Having said all that, I think the Juice Organics Brightening Cleanser might be a winner. It's $9.99 for 6 fl oz at Target. My local CVS used to carry Juice Organics, but doesn't these days for some reason. It's a little bit runny, but not too bad - at least it doesn't run through your fingers like some organic cleansers. One pump does your whole face, so it should last quite a long time. It doesn't lather much, but actually feels quite creamy while you're using it. The cleanser smells lightly citrusy if you sniff it hard, but it's a very mild scent. And it does make your face feel nice and clean, and seems to remove make up well. It contains glycolic acid, so you know you're getting some good wrinkle-fighting effects along with all the organic goodness, and it is definitely leaving my skin feeling smooth. I do find it slightly drying, though, and I find that I need to put on some moisturizer fairly quickly, so if you have more mature skin it might not be the best thing for you. It's probably best for twenties or early- to mid-thirties type ages, unless you have oily skin, then you can probably use it well into your forties without too many problems. They have a Nourishing Cleanser that is probably more suitable for mature skin, although I haven't tried that one yet (yes, I'm still feebly trying to hang on to my youth but perhaps I'll own up to mature skin with my next bottle).
Three stars.
I never loved the Juice Beauty that I got that time when we went to Sephora together.
I actually just recently tossed it (mostly unused) in my recent cleaning frenzy.
For me (with oily skin), it didn't get my face clean enough. I felt even more oily after use than before. It made me break out, too.
I do agree, though, if you do have more mature (or, at least, less oily skin) that it would be a good pick.
I'd forgotten that you got the cleanser - I only got the moisturizer which I liked. But it's good to know that it isn't really enough for oily skin.
Juice Organics Brightening Cleanser really gets my face sooooo clean and it has lightened all those sun and age spots! The ingredients are incredible and it's organic..and really organic, not like all those other natural brands or brands with just a few organic ingredients. I love Juice Organics..bought it at Target for $9.99.
I have oily skin as well and instead of using the Brightening products i used the juice organics POM products. They reallY REALLY work for oily skin and leave me with a great smelling (nonsticky) face!
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